- 仕事内容
- ・会計データ入力業務
・購買、営業事務業務の合理化支援 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・経理部門でのマネジメント経験(2~3名)をお持ちの方
・上場企業での経理経験をお持ちの方 - 【歓迎経験】
- ・財務諸表に関わる内部統制の実施に関わった経験をお持ちの方
・営業経験をお持ちの方 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 450万円~600万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- ・デジタル分野での事業拡大やデジタル技術を活用した新たな革新的サービスの提供に向けたビジョン・戦略立案
- 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- 求める経験:
- 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1100万円
工場の人事・組織 (P&O) 部門に加わる新しいトレーニング パートナー募集
- 仕事内容
- As a Training Partner at our company, you will:
・Maintain and improve the department’s Training for Competence (TfC) system.
・Educate leaders and employees in our company Training process, system, standards, and tools.
・Ensure local implementation of new features and updates within training systems, closely collaborating with the central training organization.
・Act as the primary contact for all training matters in the department and provide advice on training structure optimization and the use of training tracker and planning tools.
・Design, develop, implement, and evaluate training content; deliver training in relevant standards, and drive small training and related improvement projects while fulfilling the requirements of the role description of Process Responsible in our company Process Management. - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・Relevant education in learning science, psychology, human resources, or equivalent.
・Minimum 2 years of experience working with learning and training activities, including training planning.
・Experience in change management and stakeholder management across various organizational levels.
・Strong communication skills and the ability to build good relationships.
・Proficiency in both local language and English communication, with independent problem-solving capability. - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】福島
- 年収・給与
- 550万円~1000万円 経験により応相談
‘Opportunistic’ HR talent recruitment
- 仕事内容
- This is a part of opportunistic recruiting effort to attract talent who are interested in growing HR career to join s HR team consisted of diverse talent. Depending on the background and strengths that the candidate brings, we work together to define the initial role into HR. The candidate is expected to add value to the team from the day one. After a successful initial assignment, the candidate will have the opportunities to grow HR career through rotational assignments across different aspects of HR value chain (see below) as well as involvement in key HR project(s). Duration of each assignment will depend on the nature of the role (9-18 months to 24 months).
・Talent Acquisition
・Learning & Development
・Employee Relations
・Compensation & Benefit planning & operations
・Performance & Succession Management
・Communications & Change Management
・HR Operations & 3rd party management
・We are seeking highly motivated and driven individuals who exhibit integrity, excellence, and respect for people. - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・3-5 years of HR experience at any manufacturing companies or consultancy firms
・Proven track record of demonstrated leadership in managing projects with multiple stakeholders at various levels of the organization
・Fluent or Professional English and Japanese language skills
・Work authorization to work in Japan - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】兵庫
- 年収・給与
- 550万円~1000万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- 当社グループの人事戦略・人材マネジメントを推進するための人事制度の構築・労政業務、M&Aに伴うDD/PMI業務を統括・遂行する。
・M&Aに伴う人事DD/PMI業務の遂行 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・人事業務遂行の経験(5年以上)
・機密性の高い情報に接するに際してのモラル - 【歓迎経験】
- ・労働に関連する法律の知識
・ビジネス交渉レベルの英語力 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1000万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- 募集背景:
- 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- 求める経験:
・English nativeと支障なくコミュニケーションできる英語力
- 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1100万円
- 仕事内容
- 下記の広報業務をお任せします。
・グループの企業文化やグループ社員の帰属意識の醸成、さらなる発展の寄与 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・企業において5年以上の広報業務経験を有すること(業界は問わない)
・非喫煙者の方(もしくは入社と同時に禁煙宣言をし、実行できる方) - 【歓迎経験】
- ・他者との会話が苦にならないコミュニケーション力を有する
・新たな気づきや改善点など、常に向上心と探求心を有する - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 500万円~800万円
- 仕事内容
- Key responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
・Contract ownership: Serve as the point of contact within our Company for the Rybelsus Co-commercialization Agreement with partner company in Japan, in collaboration with the partner company Alliance Director. Take the lead in initiating and overseeing renegotiations of contract terms in the best interest of Our Company. Offer strategic recommendations, both reactively and proactively, to internal stakeholders (primarily Oral Semaglutide Marketing, as well as Sales, Medical, Market Access, and Finance) on effective interaction, negotiation, and alignment withpartner company. Ensure compliance with contractual obligations by our Company and partner company.
・Partnership governance: Plan Alliance Committee meetings (JSCs and JCCs), facilitate and draft minutes. Conduct top management meetings (JSCs) twice a year and commercial meetings (JCCs) four times a year. Define Alliance Committee meetings objectives, approach and brief participants, including our Company JLT and IO senior management. Ensure smooth transition between governance members.
・Partnership management: Organize and constantly improve workstreams between the different functions of the two companies (mainly Marketing, Finance, Market Access, Medical and Regulatory). Ensure that all our Company stakeholders involved in the alliance with partner company know their role, counterparts, act in the interest of Rybelsus and in line with Our Company strategy. Strategically communicate topartner company the information impacting Rybelsus in Japan. Regularly check the pulse the of the alliance through surveys
Follow-up on all our Company projects related to Rybelsus. Ensure that risks and opportunities related to the alliance are considered by project stakeholders.
・Provide timely and appropriate recommendations accordingly. Discuss and negotiate Business Standards revisions with partner company. Ensure internal stakeholders understanding. Follow-up on implementation and plan corrective actions when needed. Establish Gold Standards for partnership management at our Company.
・Support to marketing/sales: Plan and organize regular commercial meetings (JCMs) between our Company and partner company. Twice a month. Plan and organize sales leaders’ meetings (RMs/BDs meetings) between our Company and partner company. Twice a year. Define co-pro meetings (our Company and partner company local meetings) timing and follow-up on agenda creation. Ensure that our Company and partner company joint budget is cascaded appropriately at Area level upon co-pro meetings. Draft Joint Commercialization Plan table of contents and schedule. Once a year. Maintain up to date alliance HCOs/HCPs target list - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・Minimum bachelor’s degree in business administration, Marketing, Life Sciences, or relevant field. Master’s degree in business is preferred with training in different disciplines related to sales & marketing.
・Minimum 5 years’ experience of partnership management. Transversal experiences in the pharmaceutical industry are a significant plus.
・Communication Skills: Clear and effective communication is crucial for seamless interaction with the team and reporting to superiors.
・Highly proactive, possessing excellent interpersonal skills, not fear confrontational situations and be capable of influencing others and fostering consensus. Moreover, a business-driven mindset is crucial for this position.
・Business level in English and Japanese is required. - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 700万円~1500万円
- 仕事内容
- ・事業計画策定
・開示資料作成 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・事業計画策定経験(補助的な業務も可) 3年以上
・予算編成、予実管理経験(補助的な業務も可) 3年以上
・変化やスピードを求められる環境に抵抗が無い方 - 【歓迎経験】
- ・上場企業におけるIR業務のご経験
・内部統制、監査法人対応のご経験 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 400万円~700万円
- 仕事内容
- ・担当部門の事業戦略の実現に向けた組織・人事優先課題の特定と解決策の立案、事業部門トップマネジメントへの提言・折衝
・国内外HRBPチームとの連携によるグローバルな協業の推進 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・特定の人事領域(採用・評価制度・等級制度・タレントマネジメント・組織開発など)における5年以上の業務経験
・海外グループ会社と最低限のコミュニケーションができる英語力 - 【歓迎経験】
- ・海外での就業経験があれば、なお望ましい
・TOEIC750点以上(一つの目安であり、スコアより英語での実務的なコミュニケーション能力を重視する - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1100万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- IR業務全般を担当し、国内外の機関投資家・アナリスト・個人投資家との接点拡大により資本市場での更なるプレゼンス向上を図って頂きます。
・ESG投資の意識が高い北米・欧州機関投資家との継続的なコミュニケーションと長期保有の新規株主開拓 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・IR業務に加え、経理や管理会計業務などの経験または知識を有すること。
・非喫煙者の方(もしくは入社と同時に禁煙宣言をし、実行できる方) - 【歓迎経験】
- ・他者との会話が苦にならないコミュニケーション力を有する
・新たな気づきや改善点など、常に向上心と探求心を有する - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~800万円
- 仕事内容
- (1)医療経済分析およびエビデンス創出戦略の企画・立案: 医薬品・医療機器の価値を高めるための要因分析、最適な治験に向けた設計の提案、費用対効果分析や治療アウトカムの確認・疾病負担の分析などを行います
(2) 文献調査の実施: 対象となる医薬品・医療機器における有効性や安全性、現在の治療
(3) アウトカムリサーチの企画提案・実施: 患者や介護者のニーズ把握およびQuality of Life(QOL)に関する医学研究のデザイン、社内・社外のリソース(調査モニター・インタビュアーなど)の管理と調査の実施・運営、論文出版および学会発表に向けた原稿・資料作成や原稿の投稿を行います
(4) 保険償還および資金調達の状況の把握: 既存の政策確認、保険償還状況の把握および
(5) バリューコミュニケーション戦略の立案・実施: 薬価収載や保険適用希望書の作成、
(6) 顧客管理の実施: エビデンス創出に対するニーズやソリューションについて社外の
クライアントや研究者、またパートナー企業などと協議・連携を行います - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・ヘルスケア業界の主要問題や国・地方公共団体における医療・ヘルスケア関連の最新の動向
・レセプトデータや大規模医療データベース(JMDC、MDV、DeSC, Cross Fact、NDB、
・失敗を恐れずにチャレンジ精神が旺盛な方 - 【歓迎経験】
- ・官公庁、地方公共団体、研究機関が実施する調査・研究に関連する実務経験
・ビジネスレベルの英語力(Writing、Speaking、Reading)(目安:TOEIC 800点以上)
・グループ/社内の横断的なチームの1人として、目標達成に取り組む能力 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 400万円~750万円
大手外資製薬企業にて医療経済成果研究 (HEOR) プロジェクトを実施
- 仕事内容
- As a HEOR Specialist, you will have the opportunity to implement Health Economic Outcomes Research (HEOR) projects in line with value proposition, market access, and scientific exchange strategies for assigned products and therapeutic areas. You will also support the HEOR manager in securing timely Health Technology Assessment (HTA) submissions and optimal market access and pricing through preparing and documenting required evidence and analysis. You will also work with the HEOR manager in developing and maintaining partnerships with internal and external stakeholders.
Other tasks, but are not limited to:
Develops HEOR and Real-World Evidence (RWE) strategy and leads the implementation of HEOR studies, value messaging, and scientific communication plans for pipeline products (e.g., Obesity, Diabetes, NASH, Cardiovascular Disease, Alzheimer, Haemophilia, and other new disease areas).
Identify HEOR data needs according to the MAP (Market Access & Pricing) and product strategy and work with HEOR manager to map out effective an plan for qualified output.
Work as part of the market access team to generate integrated input for cross-functional forums and Headquarters. Collaborate with Clinical and Medical affairs in scientific exchange and communication including effective publication.
Generate high-quality economic and clinical evidence/analysis and develop a formal HTA dossier in a timely manner, engaging with external suppliers and contributing to laying out the negotiation plan and its execution.
Define and execute HTA strategy effectively dealing with challenges. Work with HEOR manager to assemble HTA team consisting of Strategic Pricing, Clinical, Medical, RWE, and Commercial, getting support from HQ counterpart accordingly. Support Market Access & Pricing Department leaders in communicating and engaging with Senior Management on the HTA strategy and outcome. Develop external relationships and works closely with KOLs and academic researchers. - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・A master’s degree is preferrable.
・Experience in the healthcare industry, including research, development, strategic planning, marketing and consultancy services. Experience in the pharmaceutical industry is a strong plus.
・Five years of pharmaceuticals or healthcare-related industry/organization experience within the field of HEOR or RWE.
・Science and research background, commercial background especially associated with in-depth analytic skills, cross functional project management experience is preferred.
・Business-level English and Japanese are require - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 700万円~1500万円
- 仕事内容
- 1. グローバル HR 施策の企画・プロジェクト管理
a) Global Culture Initiative, Performance, Grading, Rewards, HRIS等のグローバルHR施策の推進
2. グローバル HR に係るグループ各社との連携・調整
3. グローバルマネジメント体制運営上の人事諸課題への対応
4. CHRO のスタッフ業務 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・英語での業務を円滑に遂行できる高度なコミュニケーション能力
・誠実さ、真摯さ - 【歓迎経験】
- ・海外出向の経験
・チェンジマネジメントの経験・スキル - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1100万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- 入社後は、下記いずれかの業務を、ご経験・ご希望を考慮してお任せします。
・労務・給与の管理、各種人事オペレーション、相談窓口対応業務 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・新卒またはキャリア採用、人事制度、人材開発、労務給与管理、福利厚生、安全衛生、いずれかの人事労務業務の企画・運用の経験(3年以上)
・非喫煙者の方(もしくは入社と同時に禁煙宣言をし、実行できる方) - 【歓迎経験】
- ・労働関連法規に関する基本的な知識
・論理的思考のできる方 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 450万円~750万円
- 仕事内容
- 1. HR & People Strategy の立案・推進に関する事項
a) 第6期中期経営計画(Global HR, 人的資本)の企画・立案
2. グローバル HR 施策の企画・プロジェクト管理
a) Global Culture Initiative, Performance, Grading, Rewards, HRIS等のグローバルHR施策の推進
3. グローバル HR に係るグループ各社との連携・調整
4. グローバルマネジメント体制運営上の人事諸課題への対応
5. CHRO のスタッフ業務 - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・英語での業務を円滑に遂行できる高度なコミュニケーション能力
・誠実さ、真摯さ - 【歓迎経験】
- ・海外出向の経験
・チェンジマネジメントの経験・スキル - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~1100万円 経験により応相談
- 仕事内容
- ・コーポレート・ガバナンス担当者として、最高決議機関である株主総会、取締役会を含む全社の意思決定・決裁を管理・運営し、ガバナンス体制の更なる強化やグローバル化を支援する
- 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・会社法、金商法等の法律、規約、各種ガイドラインに対する理解
・コミュニケーション力 - 【歓迎経験】
- ・ガバナンスや法務に関連する業務経験、あるいは研究開発・生産・営業いずれかの実務経験
・製薬・ヘルスケア産業に対する知識や業務経験 - 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】大阪
- 年収・給与
- 600万円~850万円 経験により応相談
【大手製薬メーカー】Global Module Owner Performance and Comp.
- 仕事内容
- ・Responsible for the design, configuration, customizing and further development ofthe relevant SAP SuccessFactors modules with a holistic e2e process perspectiveincluding the use of other tools as necessary and ensuring the connection and dataflow with adjacent modules or other external process steps where appropriate.
・Ensure and execute smooth operations and technical support of the relevant HRISModule(s) including technical process and annual cycle management,documentation, testing, training and support materials for end-users, handling ofqueries, troubleshooting, and quality control.
・Lead or support consulting and implementation projects in the area ofSuccessFactors, especially Performance, Compensation, Variable Pay.
・Oversee Module-related HRIS activities in the regions.
・Cooperate closely and trustfully with Global Business Process Owners and internalas external stakeholders, in particular with Global and Regional HRIT, HRBusiness, IT, Finance, and external consultants.
・Monitor market practice and explore opportunities for adopting new features andfunctionality and technical enhancement of module design to optimize end-userexperience.
・Identify and assess impacts being incurred by module changes, including changeson other modules or integrations.
・Develop viable solutions for requests regarding new reporting or data warehouseneeds.
・Monitor data formats, correct inaccuracies, and validate the cleansed data againstdefined quality metrics.
・Implement and manage robust data governance processes to ensure ongoing dataquality and security, facilitate or collaborate in regular audits. - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・Bachelor’s degree in HR, Information Systems, Business Administration or relatedfield, master is a plus.
・Practical experience in SuccessFactors as a functional consultant or configurator orSuccessFactors Certification would be highly regarded.
5+ years work experience within the functional area.
・Practical experience in SuccessFactors as a functional consultant or configurator orSuccessFactors Certification would be highly regarded.
・Business fluent English required; Japanese or German would be a plus.
・Technical Expertise: Deep understanding of technical and service managementprinciples for HRIT support, data security and compliance as well as functional and
solution knowledge pertaining to Performance, Compensation, Variable Pay andproficiency in relevant software and tools are essential.
・Business Expertise: Good understanding of industry and comprehensiveknowledge of HR functional areas and processes and understanding how theyinteract and contribute to achieve HR objectives.
・SuccessFactors Expertise: Use broad and comprehensive expertise of conceptsand practices in SuccessFactors functionality to inform HR strategic decisions andensure conscientious design and governance of the module.
・Data Governance: Experience with data governance processes to ensure ongoingdata quality and security, supported by regular audits, data maintenance andcontinuous improvement processes.
・System Development: Ability to explore opportunities for adopting new features andfunctionality to recommend technical enhancements of module design, as well asability to assess potential impacts of module changes.
・Project Management: Effective management of timelines and deliverables, alongwith experience in Agile and Waterfall methodologies, is essential.
- 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】東京
- 年収・給与
- 1300万円~1500万円 経験により応相談
Principal Scientist Quality Auditor - GQAAC
- 仕事内容
- 品質監査人はグローバル品質監査およびコンプライアンス (GQAAC) 部門の一部であり、 の医薬品開発、非臨床および臨床研究、製品の商品化、医薬品安全性監視、消費者情報品質 (CIQ) をサポートする内部および外部監査の実行を通じて品質保証を提供します。監査を通じて、グローバル品質監査人は、 当社が実施または後援する GXP 業務が会社の基準、ポリシー、手順、および慣行に従って実行され、現在の規制要件と期待、適用可能なガイドライン、および業界標準に準拠していることを確認します。
GQAAC is operating as a valued business partner and taking a proactive approach to further enhancing the quality status of business operations and regulatory compliance. The Quality Auditor plays a key part in contributing to the implementation of this strategic approach to quality auditing oversight.
Key Objectives/Deliverables:
・The following activities will be performed according to current GQAAC procedures, guidelines and tools. These responsibilities are not intended to be all-inclusive:
・Scheduling, preparing, conducting and reporting GQAAC audits and assessments of GXP operations, both internally and externally (contracted) to assess the level of compliance with company standards, policies, practices and procedures and current regulations and guidelines.
・Participate in or lead the risk assessment of GXP operations in support of generating the GQAAC risk-based annual audit plan.
・Appropriately escalate any compliance issues.
・Meet the requirements outlined in quality standards, quality manuals, policies, procedures, and tools.
・This implies establishment and maintenance of a comprehensive knowledge of all applicable regulations, technical knowledge, and training to meet these responsibilities.
Global Quality - Business Related Responsibilities:
・Participate in or lead the preparation and/or review of standards, policies, procedures and guidelines that are used to establish quality requirements, when needed.
・Participate in or lead the preparation of organizational metrics and trending of audit findings, when required.
・Provide audit-related advice to GXP operations on the interpretation of corporate and regulatory GxP requirements (standards/policies/procedures) related to quality management, when required.
・Establish and maintain relationships with relevant business areas and regulatory authorities, including support for regulatory inspections, when required.
・Provide technical expertise in identifying, formulating, assembling and delivering quality and compliance education to customers, as required.
Personnel Development:
・Maintain good interpersonal and communication skills with auditees and business areas with particular emphasis on verbal and technical writing skills.
・Complete required training for the roles identified in the Individual Training Plan (ITP)
・Be continually aware of current industry trends and regulatory agency interpretation of GxP requirements.
・Seek self-development in GxP areas (e.g. attend training courses, conferences or association meetings) and share such information and knowledge with other members of the group or company to increase internal intelligence.
・Participate or lead divisional improvement efforts, including Six Sigma projects and departmental teams.
・Support training and qualification of other auditors.
・Business title: Principal Scientist-Quality Auditor -GQAAC - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・Bachelors Degree (or equivalent work experience) in physical or biological sciences, engineering or other technical area.
・Relevant experience(s) (minimum of 5 years) within the GCP medical area at or within the pharmaceutical environment.
・Good oral and written communication skills in English.
Ability to communicate effectively in Japanese language” in the requirement.
・Experience working with Third Party Organizations.
・The ability to understand detailed scientific information, while remaining anchored in the “Big Picture”.
・Ability to interpret and apply regulations, regulatory guidance, codes and public expectations and identify and recommend compliance changes as appropriate.
・Excellent interpersonal skills, ability to remain constructive and civil in difficult situations.
・Ability to deliver timely and professional communications (oral and written) with precision and clarity to all levels of the organization.
・Experience working on a global team and sharing knowledge.
・Experience with computers and entering data into databases.
・Good analytical/problem-solving skills.
Additional Preferences::
・Experience in technical report writing.
・Work under pressure on multiple tasks concurrently and meet deadlines in a fast-paced work environment with frequent interruptions and changing priorities.
・Proven ability to think and analyze from a process perspective. Project management skills.
・Process information to identify linkages and trends and apply findings to compliance strategies as well as to individual assignments.
・Work independently as well as collaboratively within a global team environment.
・Deliver constructive feedback to customers while providing a high level of customer service.
・Ability to influence and manage change/conflict.
・Establish and maintain effective working relationships at all levels internal and external to .
・Ability to think on your feet and be pragmatic in decision making. - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】在宅可、兵庫、他
- 年収・給与
- 1200万円~1500万円 経験により応相談
Product Communication, Manager・ Sr. Manager 製品広報担当
- 仕事内容
- Overall, Job Purpose:
・Plan and implement product communication and advocacy related programs (Product communication, TA branding, Patient advocacy, risk management, etc.) by closely working with internal stakeholders (brand team, medical team, Ethics & Compliance, Legal etc.) as well as external stakeholders (patients' groups, journalists and medical professionals) to maximize internal/external awareness of on-the-market and pipeline products, and also to accelerate launch of new products, increase disease awareness, and protect/enhance Japan's corporate and products brand.
Area of responsibilities:
・Develop and implement product-related external/internal communications plans/campaigns aligned with brand strategies, while identifying communication opportunities and threats in the external environment and incorporate them into the plan appropriately. ・Plan/implementation includes the followings.
・Development of PR materials - e.g. press release, standby statement, factbook, Facebook contents, etc.
・Issuing press release (including the translation of global press release)
Handling media inquiries Event implementation - e.g. press seminar, public seminar, CSR activity, etc.
・Communication and collaboration with alliance partners (as needed)
Crisis communication
・Identify and prioritize patient advocacy groups for each therapeutic are to work with and develop/maintain relationships and partnerships with selected groups as appropriate. - 応募条件
- 【必須事項】
- ・Minimum 5-year experience of communications or public relation including agency experience (preferably in pharmaceutical industry)
・Should hold professional experiences and skills which require minimum supervision to conduct tasks
・Strong communication and presentation skills
・Ability to develop PR strategy based on the understanding of overall Brand Strategy
・Demonstrate above average ability to think critically, analytically, strategically, flexibly and independently
・Demonstrate proficiency in working cross-functionally with positive attitude
・Having growth mindset
・Fluent in Japanese and English - 【歓迎経験】
- 【免許・資格】
- 【勤務開始日】
- 応相談
- 勤務地
- 【住所】兵庫
- 年収・給与
- 700万円~ 経験により応相談